Some words from our Heads of Years
Year 7
We have finally arrived at the end of a really long and busy first term! Year 7 have completed their first two months in secondary school and have made a cracking start to their journey at Borden. We have appointed form and vice form captains for each form group that will work closely with me to ensure that the year groups' school experience is as positive as possible. Myself and the Year 7 tutor team have been incredibly proud with how they have all tackled the transition to secondary school with lots of changes and new people to meet, this is shown in the abundance of positive points going home for their behaviour and attitude to learning. This term we have spent a lot of time introducing Year 7 to the Borden Values and the expectations and standards that make our Borden community so special. Next term we'll start our preparations for the annual Year 7 Winter Charity Fair and we are all so excited to once again spend the afternoon raising money for charity. A massive well done to 7JCF, our term 1 form competition winners! They will enjoy a non-school uniform day on the first Friday back after the half term break. Have a lovely week off Year 7.
Miss Irinoye
Head of Year 7
Year 8
We have had a busy first term with an excellent start for the vast majority of students. We have enjoyed assemblies by sixth formers on a number of topics, as well as a bravery award being awarded to a member of our year group. There have also been lots of winners of the kindness raffle, demonstrating just how many kind and thoughtful actions that occur every day between students. 8JE have won this term's form competition and will have an 'own clothes day' on the last day of term as a reward. The competition begins again in term 2, with a fresh start for another form to win. All in all, a successful first term for year 8.
Mr Holley
Head of Year 8
Year 9
Year 9 have made an excellent start to the year. Attendance at the Year 9 Expectations’ Evening was fantastic and students are beginning to think carefully about their next steps for their GCSE subjects. On Thursday 10th October, students took part in a Safety Roadshow, where they heard from Kent Police, NHS
representatives and others about safety both within and outside of school.
Miss Phillips
Head of Year 9
Year 10
This term year 10 has made an excellent start to KS4 as they get used to the increased rigour of studying at GCSE level. Within class, feedback has been overwhelmingly positive as students are approaching lessons with inquisitive attitudes and learning to apply knowledge to case studies and extended questioning. Within tutor times, pupils have been exploring the benefits of metacognition and exploring different ways that learning can be reviewed and extended through a variety of methods. Over the coming weeks, an emphasis will be placed on accessing the plethora of interactive websites, designed to support learning in the classroom and investigate how these can be built into independent study.
Mr Weller
Head of Year 10
Year 11
Year 11 have started this academic year smartly dressed, well-equipped and generally with a very positive attitude to their studies. We are focusing on making sure that when they open their examination results in August, they are able to progress to the post-16 studies they will have chosen. In form time, we have been focusing on revision skills and why effort is crucial at this stage of their education. Year 11 have had an assembly delivered by Mr Brinn, explaining how the Sixth Form application process works, the online programme that we use to make these applications and a date for the diary - 14th November is Borden's Sixth Form open evening. The slides from this assembly are available on Google Classroom, should you wish to look at these with your son. Kent Choices logins, for the website we use for making Sixth Form/college applications, have been given to your son in form time.
A reminder that the first set of GCSE mock exams begin on Tuesday 5th November. Students should come fully equipped with clear pencil cases, clear water bottles, full stationery and calculators where needed. It is essential that students arrive promptly each morning as some exams may start before 9am. Last week, all parents/carers received a letter outlining the procedures and requirements for the exam period - please refer to this and ensure that your son is fully prepared each day, either for his exams or for his timetabled lessons between exams.
Mrs Edwards
Head of Year 11
Year 12
Year 12 have made an impressive start to term 1, showcasing their skills of commitment, solidarity and community spirit during the year 6 open evening on the 9th October 2024. In addition to this, their dedication and maturity during the Talk Consent sessions on the 7th October demonstrates their embodiment of the Borden Values and their commitment to the implementation of the pastoral curriculum at Key stage 5. I am hugely proud to be their Head of Year and look forward to term 2.
Ms Das
Head of Year 12 ____________________________________________________________________________________
Year 13
Introducing the year 13 Student Leadership Team:
VICE CAPTAIN: Kristian Wigg , Amelia Bowker
SENIOR PREFECTS: Chris Mutah, Alisha Lang, Kshitish Josh, Emily Gillan,
Esther Molloy
PREFECTS: Crystal Matselele, Alex Collins, Oluwagbogo Laniyan, Jude Bodkin, Sandra Waugh, Jasper Hitchcock, Pelumi Oshinlaja, Felix Lloyd, Samuel Hancock, Isobel Lockyer, Aadi Deepak, Jacob Parrish, Nicholas Hagiannis, Jack Robson, Jasmine Smith
And what a fantastic start to the new academic year they have had!
The leadership team supported the ‘ex’ year 11 and year 13 prize giving events, with Ife giving a speech on behalf of Borden students, recognising and celebrating the outstanding achievements of last year's students. They also supported the opening event for the brand new Vafaes block and also year 6 open evening and morning.
The team worked together to allocate specific roles and responsibilities; from Subject Mentors, Inclusion and Diversity to new student support groups. Here are some of the activities they have organised and led on this term:
- An introduction assembly of the leadership team to all year groups, sharing their vision for the forthcoming academic year and offering student voice.
- Macmillan cake sale
- Black History Month assemblies to all year groups, the students particularly wanted to share their story and focussed on Windrush and UK athletes such as Mo Farah.
- Culture week is in the making, and we are looking forward to what the leadership team is going to implement next term.
However, it is not only the Student leadership team who have been busy, the Mental Health First Aiders have delivered anti bullying form activities and assemblies to all year groups. Explaining how they became MHFA through training and how this is used to support the wellbeing of Borden students.
There is currently a team of 6th form students who are working on a Borden Linkedin profile, we can't wait to see how this looks.
We are so very proud of their enthusiasm and commitment to sharing their experiences and supporting others, well done!
Mrs Searle
Head of Year 13