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Trustees & Members

Borden Grammar School converted to an academy trust in January 2012. The task of the trustees is to govern the school, focusing on the core functions of providing strategic leadership, holding the Headteacher to account and making sure the school’s money is well spent. The trustees board includes members of our community from a variety of different backgrounds with a wide range of skills and experience. Trustees are volunteers, which include parent trustees, together with the appointed Headteacher. Trustees divide their responsibilities between three subcommittees who regularly report on their work to the Full Board of Trustees; these are The Finance and Resources Committee, The Curriculum and Learning Committee and The Pastoral and Wellbeing Committee. Trustees also visit the school during the working day when possible, reporting their findings back to the main body of trustees. Members are the next layer above trustees, holding the trust board to account for the effective governance of the trust, but with limited involvement in running the trust. As an analogy, members have a similar role to shareholders of a company limited by shares. 

If you wish to contact the Board of Trustees, correspondence should be sent for the attention of the Chair of Trustees via the school office.