Borden Library Resource Centre
Open: Monday - Thursday 8.15am until 4.30pm
Friday 8.15am until 4pm
Learning Resources Manager: Mrs J Hall

The William Barrow Library opened in November 2007 with support from Kent County Council and generous donations from William Barrow’s Charity, Toshiba, Borden Grammar School PFA and the Old Bordenians.
The library is split into two working areas during lesson times. Staff, for all years and subjects, book the library for a variety of lessons. One half is used for teaching classes and the other half is a designated sixth form private study area. The library is available to all students during break time and lunchtimes, we have a booking system for using the computers during this time. The Pupil Support Team are based in the library, there is always one of them around for pupils to speak to throughout the day. The Pupil Support Team is a group of teaching assistants who are also involved in pastoral care. Homework Club takes place in a supervised library and runs after school until 4.30pm. Photocopying – a colour photocopier is in the library available for pupil use.
Resources in the Library Resource Centre
There are a variety of resources available to all pupils in the library resource centre for use both at school and at home. Including:
- Books
- Computers
- Magazines
- Journals
- Cds and Audio Tapes
- Videos and Dvds
- Daily newspapers
- Careers library
- Posters
- Maps
Library Induction lessons
All year 7 pupils will take part in Library Induction lessons when they join Borden. They will learn all about the Dewey Decimal System and how to use a library resource centre efficiently and effectively, skills that can be used in other libraries too. These will take place in an English, Science, Geography and History lesson.