Exam Information
Summer 2025 Exams – Contingency Days
The summer 2025 exams may seem like a way off at the moment, but we wish to share some important information with you to avoid any issues this summer.
During term 4 students will be given their individual exam timetables which will indicate when their
final exam will take place. However, since the Summer 2019 exam series “contingency” exam
days have been arranged by the examination awarding bodies and these should be included with
each student’s timetable.
These contingency days for GCSE and/or A Level (or equivalent) examinations will been put in
place “in the event of national or significant local disruption to examinations in the United Kingdom
[during the June examination series.]” The Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) have decided that
they need the option to postpone an exam in the event of an incident and rearrange for a later date
to allow all students a fair and equal chance. The dates that have been set aside as the
contingency days are as follows:
● Wednesday 11th June 2025 (pm)
● Wednesday 25th June 2025 (all day)
This means that all exam candidates must be available to sit exams from the date of their first
exam up to and including Wednesday 25th June 2025. This decision is not a school decision and
does apply to all candidates in all schools.
With this in mind, could I please encourage all parents/carers to make a note of the contingency
exam dates. It will be common and completely understandable for many families to book holidays
in June and July as prices will be lower when students have finished their exams. However, it will
be devastating for a student to miss out on a good grade after working hard for two years because
they might be absent from a rearranged final exam.