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Bus travel and routes

Parking advice

If you are dropping your child off, please do it safely. Sainsbury's or the side road up to the cemetery but NOT outside the school, and please avoid turning in the local roads i.e. Albany Road and the Appleyard car park.

Walking or cycling to school

Travelling with friends and getting some exercise, will help boys feel energised and ready to learn for the day ahead. An active journey to and from school builds exercise into your child's routine and counts towards the recommended 60 minutes a day. Physical activity can increase concentration, boost performance in class and 15 minutes exercise can significantly improve a child's mood and help to reduce anxiety and stress. Please encourage your child to walk or cycle, if at all possible, but please remember to use the pedestrian crossing when crossing outside the school. Walking or cycling helps to reduce congestion and pollution, and improves safety around the school gates. 

We have capacity to store bikes securely which will be increasing shortly. This is such a healthy way to come to school, but keep safe and avoid riding on pavements.