The policies published here are statutory. Where there is a reference to a non-statutory policy and not published here, it is available on request.
- Acceptable Use Policypdf
- Access Arrangements Policypdf
- Accessibility Planpdf
- Anti-Bullying Policypdf
- Attendance Policypdf
- Parent Friendly Attendance Guidancepdf
- Behaviour Policypdf
- Careers Education, Information, Advice & Guidance Policypdf
- Charging and Remissions Policypdf
- Complaints Procedurepdf
- Curriculum Policypdf
- Computer Network Pupil's Code of Conductpdf
- Drugs Education and Management of Incidents Policypdf
- Early Career Teacher Policypdf
- Educational Visit Policypdf
- Equality Objectives and Policypdf
- Finance Policy Oct 24 (amended Feb 25)pdf
- Freedom of Information Policypdf
- GDPR Privacy Noticepdf
- GDPR UK & Data Protection Policypdf
- Gifts & Hospitality Policypdf
- Hardship Fund Policypdf
- Health & Safety Policypdf
- Lettings Policypdf
- Mental Health & Wellbeing Policypdf
- Non-Examination Assessment Policypdf
- No-Smoking or Vaping Policypdf
- Online Safety Policypdf
- Parent/Carer and Visitors Code of Conduct Policypdf
- Positive Handling Policypdf
- Relationship and Sex Education Policypdf
- Remote Learning Policypdf
- Addendum in Response to COVID-19pdf
- Safeguarding & Child Protection Policypdf
- School Image Use Policypdf
- Screening, Searching and Confiscation Policypdf
- Self-Harm Policy and Guidance for Staffpdf
- Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy (SEND)pdf
- Supporting Students with Medical Conditions Policypdf
- Suspensions and Permanent Exclusion Policypdf
- Teaching and Learning Policypdf
- Uniform Policypdf
- Whistleblowing Policypdf