Non - Uniform day 18 March
We have arranged a non-uniform day on Friday 18 March in aid of two good causes. Firstly, this is timed to support the national charity Comic Relief on Red Nose Day, traditionally at this time of year. Secondly, we will split donations to support The International Red Cross, particularly needed to support the refugee crisis resulting from the war in Ukraine. Students and staff are invited to pay the minimum of £1.00, more if possible, since it will be supporting both charities this year. Students may wear non-uniform clothes, preferably with a red, blue or yellow theme if they wish to show support for either cause. Contributions will be collected at morning registration and will all go directly towards the charities concerned. Students are welcome to wear a red nose as well if they so wish, although red noses will not be on sale in school.
The school council are also currently exploring other ways the school can raise money for
The International Red Cross over the longer term in support of humanitarian causes.
Thank you for your kind support.