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  • Peer Mentors put through their paces

    Published 11/06/21

    This morning, newly trained Year 12 Peer Mentors were put through their paces by the Year 7 Anti-Bullying Ambassadors who trialled the process of an older peer mentoring a younger student who presented a problem. A roaring success ahead of the launch which will make the Peer Mentors available to all year groups across the school.


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  • Summer School Uniform

    Published 08/06/21

    We are now in summer school uniform, so please note the following:

    • Students no longer need to wear blazers at all in and out of school.
    • Students should continue to wear their tie to school but can remove it after arriving at school. 
    • Shirts should still be tucked in and shoes worn etc. 
    • As before, on days they have PE students can wear PE kit (not on any other days).
    • Since it is now very warm, coats should no longer be worn in classrooms.
    • If students still wish to wear full uniform they can. However, blazers should not be worn without a tie.
    • Students should bring their uniform card, squid card and any equipment which they may usually put in their blazer!
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  • Why not get involved!

    Published 07/06/21
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  • Welcome to Term 6

    Published 07/06/21

    Welcome back and a reminder that school finishes at 2pm today.

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  • Have a good half term everyone and a reminder that school will close early, at 2pm on Monday 7 June (first day back of Term 6).

    Published 28/05/21
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  • Are you ready to be a grammar school pupil?

    Published 28/05/21
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  • 7MC Form Competition Winners!

    Published 28/05/21

    7MC have won the Form Competition for achieving the fewest lates, highest attendance and best form quiz scores! 

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  • The sun was shining on Year 10

    Published 26/05/21

    The sun was shining on Year 10 on Monday morning as they took to the Sales Field to join Mrs Mahoney for a walk and talk as part of her 100 mile walking challenge to raise awareness of, and money for the mental health charity Mind.


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  • A message from our Peer Mentors

    Published 21/05/21

    As students ourselves we value and understand mental health and all the problems that arise within schools. Young people face challenges everyday, from exams to friendships to problems at home and as peer mentors we want to make the students' lives at Borden easier and happier. Through individual peer mentor sessions within the school day we aim to tackle any issues the younger students are dealing with. We bring a familiar and happy face to aid the young adults with guidance from experience, information to help from online sources and different ways to take control of their mental health. As year 12s we have many years of experience within the school environment so we can offer unique advice that maybe teachers wouldn't be able to offer. Each peer mentor is solely focused on helping their mentee and creating goals to achieve within the time span of their sessions together. Whatever the students may be dealing with, whether they believe it is a big deal or not, we are determined to help in the best way we possibly can. Within our training we have seen and learnt how to effectively help the young people at Borden and as a group we are happy to help. 

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  • Good to share

    Published 14/05/21

    Brady, one of our newly trained Year 7 Anti-bullying Ambassadors, found this poster and thought it would be good to share.

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  • Termly business meeting!

    Published 13/05/21

    Form and Vice Captains of Year 7 saw their Head of Year for their termly business meeting this morning!

    The boys discussed their experiences in Year 7 so far and how best they can prepare for life in Year 8 

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