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  • 8SI debate in registration this morning!

    Published 12/05/21

    Lots of discussion took place this morning in 8SI form time when students were asked to debate 'How do you think the toys children play with might affect their future skills and careers?'. 

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  • Some serious concentration in lessons today

    Published 11/05/21

    Nice to see our younger students focused and ready to start the day with some quiet reading for the beginning of the lesson. 

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  • Ambassador Presentation Assembly

    Published 05/05/21

    Well done to our Year 7 Anti-bullying Ambassadors who all presented an excellent presentation to their forms this morning in assembly time. They talked about the training they had received, passed on their excellent knowledge and also showed a short video. Lots of questions were asked by Form members which our Ambassadors were able to answer confidently. 

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  • Bank Holiday Weekend

    Published 30/04/21

    Enjoy the long weekend everybody and remember school will be closed to all students on Bank Holiday Monday 3rd May. 

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  • Year 7 Anti-Bullying Ambassador training takes place

    Published 29/04/21

    A number of our Year 7 students begin their Anti-Bullying Ambassador training this week, whilst we are also expecting to train some of our Year 12's shortly to provide some mentoring to our younger students. Well done to all of these students who truly reflect our Borden values, particularly showing kindness, respect, courage and resilience.

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  • Well done Mrs Murphy

    Published 26/04/21

    Well done to our Attendance Officer Mrs Murphy, who on sunny Saturday completed the 5K race for life!

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  • A good way to start the lesson...

    Published 22/04/21

    ...with some silent reading. 


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  • Year 7 concentrating hard today!

    Published 21/04/21
    Quiet time in the library concentrating on their Independent learning.
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  • Homework Club for Years 7&8

    Published 20/04/21

    Why not complete your Homework or read in a quiet, supervised environment with access to books and computers.

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  • Welcome back to Term 5

    Published 19/04/21

    We start back on a Week 2 timetable.

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  • Revision Sessions

    Published 07/04/21

    It may be the holidays...

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  • Happy Easter

    Published 01/04/21

    We wish all our students a safe and restful Easter break.

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