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  • Cake sales all this week for charity!

    Published 27/09/22

    A cake sale for Macmillan Cancer Support is taking place every day this week at break times in the quad and, if there are any left, at lunchtimes too. Year 10 and Year 11 are flying the flag for raising money for this very worthwhile cause by bringing in cakes to sell.

    Students are welcome to bring in money to buy these delicious cakes and help support this charity. Many thanks in advance for your support in this matter.

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  • School Prize Evening

    Published 13/09/22

    Borden Grammar School celebrated the success of its A Level and GCSE students with its traditional Prize Evening. Headteacher Ashley Tomlin paid tribute to the exam success of students. In his speech the Headteacher told the successful students “You should be very proud.”  In addition, he outlined future plans for the school expansion, with ground being broken this October.

    Head of Key Stage 3, Michelle Brooker expressed her enormous privilege in being able to follow the students on their learning journey to GCSE success; many students have chosen to continue their studies in the Sixth Form at Borden Grammar School.   

    Head of Sixth Form, Chris Brinn, spoke warmly about how proud he was of the last year’s Year 13.  He highlighted in particular their role in the school community with initiatives such as peer mentoring.

    The guest speaker was old Bordenian and tech entrepreneur Mark Bailey.  He praised the school for maintaining its traditions, though he pointed out that the current School Captain Will Cotta, would probably not like the reintroduction of the ritual which involved throwing the school captain into Rodmersham village pond. Mark Bailey certainly provided a thoughtful end to his speech for the prize winners with the words “nothing I’ve ever done in my career existed when I was at school.”

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  • Year 7 on their first day

    Published 05/09/22

    The Year 7's have had a fantastic first day. They have all shown incredible resilience, positivity and were all still smiling as they left this afternoon. 

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  • Football trials start Wednesday 7 September

    Published 01/09/22
    Fixtures start the following week!
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  • GCSE Level Results

    Published 25/08/22

    Following the cancellation of their GCSE examinations in 2020, there is no doubt that both students and schools have found the return to formal examinations demanding. We are all aware of the significant challenges these young people have had to face as a result of the pandemic, from the personal and wellbeing challenges to the significant period of remote learning across their studies. We are very proud of them all.

    Overall our students should be proud of achieving some very impressive results, with over 43% of their grades being at the highest level of 7 to 9 (A/A*) and almost a quarter of entries being a grade 8 or 9 (A*). A special mention should go to the 49 students who achieved 5 or more top grades and the 14 students who achieved 10 top grades or more. Only a very small percentage of grade 9s are awarded nationally each year and so a special mention should go to those students who managed to achieve over half of their grades at this level. Jack Garnett and Hayden Gear achieved an unbelievable 10 grade 9s whilst Fortune Solanke and Joshua Gray achieved 9 grade 9s. Alex Godfrey, Samuel Ng, Scott Pearce and Brendan Murray achieved an amazing 8 grade 9s. Brennen Moran achieved an impressive 7 grade 9s, with Oliver Broad, Theodore Cutler-Johannsen and Thomas Friday also achieving 6 grade 9s.

    Over 86% of students achieved 5 GCSEs at grade 5 or more (a ‘strong pass’) including both mathematics and English, which is a significant jump from previous examination years at Borden. Overall, 97% of all student outcomes were at grade 9 to 4 (A* to C). This represents excellent outcomes by a cohort of students who have displayed immense levels of determination and resilience during the course of their GCSE studies.

    We are enormously proud of the achievements of all of our students under such challenging circumstances and wish them the very best of luck as they move on to pursue their future choices.

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  • GCSE results collection

    Published 23/08/22

    A reminder that GCSE results are available to collect from the School from 9.30am on Thursday, this includes GCSE Statistics results for Year 10. External students are kindly asked to arrive at 12 noon with their results for Mr Brinn, or email in to Wishing all our students the best of luck for their forthcoming results!

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  • A Level Results 2022

    Published 18/08/22

    Following the cancellation of their GCSE examinations in 2020 these results represent this cohort's first experience of formal external examinations. We are all aware of the significant challenges these young people have had to face as a result of the pandemic, from the lack of experience in sitting formal examinations to the significant period of remote learning across their studies. We are very proud of them all. 

    Within the many successes, we are pleased to report some particularly outstanding results by our year 13 students here at Borden Grammar School. There are 14 students who achieved at least three A or A* grades across their three or four subjects. These students are Joshua Bass, Harry Brown, Thomas Scollard, Sam Canning, Gabriella Deevoy, Tom Fassenfelt, Ethan Gear, William Price, Ciaran Higgins, Imdad Rahman, Zak Robinson, Joe Shaw, Shaharyar Sikander and Ted Vidyarthi. Of these students the very top performers are Shaharyar Sikander A*A*A*, Zak Robinson A*A*A, Gabriella Deevoy A*A*A, Harry Brown A*A*AA, Tom Fassenfelt A*AA and Ethan Gear A*AA.

    Overall our students achieved some very impressive grades, with 54% of all grades awarded to them being at A* to B and a quarter of the grades at the highest level of A*/A. This represents excellent outcomes by a cohort of students who have displayed immense levels of determination and resilience during the course of their A level studies. These results will allow the students to successfully move on to the next stage of their education or careers. Students have successfully secured places at top universities including Durham, Warwick, Royal Holloway, Nottingham, Southampton, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), the University of London and the University of Kent. A number of other students have secured high level apprenticeship and degree apprenticeship opportunities at local companies as well as blue chip companies in London.


    We are enormously proud of the achievements of all our students under such challenging circumstances. We wish all of our students the very best of luck as they move on from Borden and know that they will be hugely successful in whatever career path they choose to take.

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  • Working hard in Physics today

    Published 14/07/22

    Year 10 Physics students have been working well in the quad today and are making the most of the beautiful weather. There were smiles all round to be in the fresh air. 


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  • Sports Day is going well!

    Published 08/07/22

    The sun is shining, and the atmosphere is fantastic as sports day 2022 is well underway!

     More photos from all the events of the day will be made available to view on the website gallery. 

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  • New Year 7 Transition Day

    Published 07/07/22

    A lively school today as we welcome our new forthcoming Year 7s in to school for their transition day. 


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  • Sports Day on Friday 8 July

    Published 06/07/22

    Sports day will be held this coming Friday, 8 July and your son may come to school wearing his PE kit however we would be grateful if he could remember to bring his canteen card too. Lesson 1 will be as normal, and events will begin lesson 2; I'm afraid we are unable to open the event to parents due to capacity around the school, but we will make sure plenty of photographs are available to view afterwards.

    It is predicted to be a hot day therefore we would be grateful if you make sure your son brings a water bottle, that can be refilled during the day, and apply/bring sun cream on the day.

    We will also have an ice cream van arrive after lunch, and would ask that you give your son a small amount of money to bring for this if he wishes to.

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