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  • ‘Thank a Teacher Day’

    Published 25/05/22

    Information for all settings to celebrate ‘Thank a Teacher Day’

    DfE is supporting ‘Thank a Teacher Day’ on Thursday 26 May.

    The department supports the campaign as teachers, support staff, and everyone working in education have gone above and beyond for this country’s children and young people, preparing the next generation to make the very best of their lives.

    Say thank you to an amazing educator, from teaching assistants to school leaders, nursery staff to FE lecturers, by sending a free, personalised card for Thank a Teacher Day.

    The Thank a Teacher campaign celebrates everyone working in education for the incredible work they do and there are plenty of opportunities for schools, pupils and parents to get involved.

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  • We wish Sam the best of luck in making a difference!

    Published 21/04/22

    We are very proud of our Year 8 Pupil Sam Hall who is on a mission to raise as much money as he can to help those in Ukraine. Read the full story below.

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  • Cakes help to raise funds!

    Published 31/03/22

    We are very proud of Year 8 student Nicholas Nowak who organised a cake sale to help raise funds for the Ukraine appeal. With other students from his form, they organised donations of cakes to be brought in, many of which were home baked. They went on to sell the cakes at break times. 


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  • Easter egg raffle is a winner!

    Published 30/03/22

    Well done to the Prefect team for organising a school wide Easter egg raffle. Over £200 was raised, with all the proceeds going to the Ukraine appeal. Thank you to all those people who donated eggs or purchased tickets for this very worthy cause.  Winners have been notified and can collect their prizes from the Sixth Form office. 

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  • Easter Egg Raffle for Ukraine appeal

    Published 23/03/22

    Tickets available from the library!

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  • Non-uniform day raises over £1000 so far!

    Published 18/03/22

    We are pleased to report that our non-uniform day has already raised over £1000 so far today with many further donations still being received. Firstly, this was timed to support the national charity Comic Relief on Red Nose Day and secondly, we will split donations to support The International Red Cross, particularly needed to support the refugee crisis resulting from the war in Ukraine. Students and staff were encouraged to wear non-uniform clothes preferably with a red, blue or yellow theme, and they didn't disappoint! Thank you to everybody that contributed, and we will announce the final total next week.


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  • Year 10 Parent Evening Update

    Published 18/03/22

    We realise there was a problem yesterday at Year 10 parents' evening for approximately 1 hour with the Edulink video consultations. We apologise for the inconvenience caused. We are currently investigating the issue and considering ways of you catching up with your son's progress.

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  • Young Carers Action Day

    Published 16/03/22


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  • Holiday Reading Challenge Winners

    Published 11/03/22

    Well done to everyone who has participated in the Holiday Reading Challenges; it's been lovely to hear what you thought about the selected books. Congratulations to Lucien W for winning the prize for the best review of A Christmas Carol and Kyron J for winning the prize for the best review of Around the World in 80 Days!

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  • Anti-bullying artwork competition

    Published 10/03/22

    Borden's Anti-bullying ambassadors present an Anti-bullying artwork competition with a prize voucher to be won, and your artwork printed and displayed around the school!

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  • Non - Uniform day 18 March

    Published 10/03/22

    We have arranged a non-uniform day on Friday 18 March in aid of two good causes. Firstly, this is timed to support the national charity Comic Relief on Red Nose Day, traditionally at this time of year. Secondly, we will split donations to support The International Red Cross, particularly needed to support the refugee crisis resulting from the war in Ukraine. Students and staff are invited to pay the minimum of £1.00, more if possible, since it will be supporting both charities this year. Students may wear non-uniform clothes, preferably with a red, blue or yellow theme if they wish to show support for either cause. Contributions will be collected at morning registration and will all go directly towards the charities concerned. Students are welcome to wear a red nose as well if they so wish, although red noses will not be on sale in school.

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